Journaling Prompts for 2025

NOTE: One week before each new month,  journaling prompts will be posted.

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  1. New Year, New Me! – Write about one habit you want to kick to the curb this year, and why it’s overstayed its welcome in your life.
  2. Dream Big or Go Home – Describe your wildest dream without any limitations. What’s stopping you from chasing it?
  3. Mirror, Mirror on the Wall – List five things you love about yourself and five things you’d like to work on.
  4. The Gratitude Attitude – Write a love letter to last year, highlighting the good, the bad, and the utterly ridiculous lessons it taught you.
  5. Time Travel Diaries – If you could give your teenage self one piece of advice, what would it be and why? Bonus points for cringe-worthy anecdotes!
  6. The Bucket List Bonanza – Create a bucket list with at least ten items and explain why each one made the cut. Hint: skydiving is not obligatory.
  7. The Hero’s Journey – Who’s your personal hero and what have you learned from them? Feel free to include fictional characters. Yes, Batman counts.
  8. The Not-So-Great Escape – Write about a time you stepped out of your comfort zone. Was it more ‘Mission Impossible’ or ‘Mission Accomplished’?
  9. If I Were a Superhero – Describe your superhero alter ego. What are your powers, and how do you use them (responsibly or recklessly)?
  10. The Joy of Missing Out – Reflect on a time you said “no” to something and how it turned out to be a blessing in disguise.
  11. Plot Twist: You’re the Protagonist – Imagine your life is a novel. What’s the title, and what’s the current chapter about?
  12. The Playlist of My Life – Create a playlist that represents your life, and write about how each song tells part of your story.
  13. A Day in the Life of Future Me – Visualize and write about a day in your ideal future. What’s breakfast like? Do you have a robot assistant yet?
  14. Confessions of a Couch Potato – What’s your guilty pleasure TV show or movie, and what does it say about you?
  15. The Art of the Compliment – Write about a compliment you received that made you glow like a firefly. Why did it mean so much?
  16. The Road Less Traveled – Imagine you took a different path at a crucial moment in life. Where would you be now? Are you glad you stuck to the road you chose?
  17. Dear Diary, Meet My Alter Ego – Introduce yourself to your alter ego. How are you similar and different?
  18. The Happiness Recipe – If happiness were a dish, what ingredients would it contain? Write your own recipe!
  19. The Fear Factor – What’s one fear you’d like to conquer this year and how do you plan to do it? Remember, screaming is optional!
  20. The Plot Twist – Write about a surprising event that changed your perspective or taught you something valuable.
  21. The Great Debate – Argue with yourself about a decision you’re currently grappling with. Who wins?
  22. The Wanderlust Chronicles – Describe your dream travel destination and what you’d do there. Imaginary postcards encouraged!
  23. The Friends Guidebook – Write about a friend who has impacted your life and how you’ve grown because of them.
  24. The Power of Pause – Reflect on a moment of stillness that brought clarity or peace to your life.
  25. Laugh Lines – Share a funny memory that never fails to make you laugh. Laughter-induced tears are a bonus!
  26. The Art of Letting Go – What’s one thing you need to let go of this year? Write about the freedom in releasing it.
  27. Bookworm Adventures – If you were a character in a book, what genre would it be and what role would you play?
  28. In My Shoes – Describe a day from the perspective of someone you admire. What do you learn about them?
  29. The Legacy Project – What do you want to be remembered for? Write about the legacy you hope to create.
  30. The Self-Care Secret – What’s your go-to self-care ritual, and why does it work for you?
  31. The Gratitude Journal – End the month by listing 31 things you’re grateful for, one for each day of January. Don’t forget the little things!
  1. Family Portrait – Imagine your family as superheroes. What powers would each member have, and what would their costumes look like? Don’t forget to give yourself a cape, even if it’s just for dramatic effect in the living room!
  2. The Great Debate – What’s the most ridiculous argument you’ve ever had with a family member? Was it over who ate the last cookie or the correct way to load the dishwasher? Reflect and giggle at the absurdity!
  3. Culinary Creations – Describe a memorable family meal. Was it a culinary masterpiece or a spectacular disaster? Either way, recount the story with all the details, including any food fights or unexpected fire alarms.
  4. Family Traditions – What’s a quirky tradition your family has? Share the tradition and why it’s special.
  5. Lost and Found – Write about a time someone in your family lost something important. Was it a wallet, a pet, or perhaps their mind during a game of Monopoly? How was it resolved, and who was the hero of the day?
  6. Musical Memories – Create a playlist that represents your family. Who would choose the songs, and which tunes would cause a sing-off or a dance battle in the living room?
  7. Pet Peeves – Vent a little about those small, pesky habits your family members have that drive you up the wall. Just remember to keep it light-hearted.
  8. The Family Tree – If you could add an imaginary branch to your family tree, who or what would it be? A pet dragon, a long-lost pirate ancestor, or perhaps a friendly alien? Get creative and explain their history.
  9. Time Travel – If you could travel back in time to a family event, which one would you choose and why? Would you relive a joyous occasion, or perhaps get a front-row seat to a legendary family mishap?
  10. The Unforgettable Gift – Recall a gift exchange that went hilariously wrong or was surprisingly perfect. Did Grandma give everyone matching socks again?
  11. Family Movie Night – What movie best describes your family dynamic? Is it a comedy, a drama, or a mix of both? Describe your favorite funny moments and the reactions from the family audience.
  12. Sibling Shenanigans – Share a mischievous adventure or scheme you and your siblings concocted. Was it successful, or did it end in a group grounding?
  13. Words of Wisdom – What’s the best (or most bizarre) piece of advice a family member has given you? Share the wisdom, and perhaps how it has (or hasn’t) guided you.
  14. Family Feasts – Describe the most epic meal your family has ever prepared together.
  15. The Odd One Out – Write about a time you or someone in your family broke away from tradition. Was it a fashion statement, a career path, or an unconventional family pet?
  16. Holiday Hijinks (Fun) – What’s the most memorable holiday mishap your family has experienced? Recount the chaos with a smile.
  17. Unsolved Mysteries – Every family has its mysteries. What’s a family mystery that remains unsolved to this day? Who keeps making the weird noises at night, or why does Dad keep disappearing during chores?
  18. Role Reversal – Imagine if you switched roles with a family member for a day. What chaos would ensue, and what surprising insights might you gain?
  19. Family Photos – Choose a favorite family photo and describe the story behind it. Who’s making a funny face, and why does Aunt Sally always insist on photobombing?
  20. Open Mic Night – If your family were to perform at an open mic night, what would each person do? Who would sing, tell jokes, or perform an interpretive dance?
  21. Proudest Moments – Share a moment when you felt proud of your family or a specific family member. It could be a graduation, a marathon finish, or even a successful recipe attempt.
  22. The Great Outdoors – Describe a family adventure in nature. Was it a hike, a camping trip, or a chaotic day at the beach? Who forgot the sunscreen, and who got lost on the trail?
  23. The Family Pet – Write about a beloved family pet, past or present. Describe their quirks, adventures, and the joy they brought (or chaos they caused).
  24. Family Game Night – What game does your family love to play together? Who’s the reigning champion, and who always ends up flipping the board in frustration?
  25. The Family Heirloom – Write about a family heirloom or cherished item. What stories or memories does it hold, and who is most likely to forget where they put it?
  26. The Family Vacation – Recall a memorable family vacation. Was it a dream trip or a Griswold-style comedy of errors? Highlight the highs, lows, and the unexpected surprises.
  27. The Secret Recipe – Does your family have a secret recipe? Share the story behind it and what makes it so special. Remember, even if it’s just cereal with a twist, it counts!
  28. Looking Ahead – Envision your family in the future. What do you hope for them, and what adventures do you imagine you’ll embark on together?

March is all about GRATITUDE. Here are the prompts that will help us to reflect on the little things! Enjoy!

  1. What are three things you are grateful for today, and why?
  2. Describe a place that makes you feel grateful and at peace.
  3. Who is someone in your life that you appreciate, and what do they bring to your life?
  4. Reflect on a recent challenge you overcame and what you learned from it. Why are you grateful for this experience?
  5. What is a small pleasure you enjoyed today?
  6. List five things in nature that you are thankful for.
  7. Think of a time when someone helped you. How did their support make an impact on you?
  8. What is a personal accomplishment you are proud of, and why are you grateful for the journey it took to get there?
  9. Write about a book, movie, or song that has positively influenced you.
  10. Who was the last person to make you smile, and what did they do?
  11. Reflect on a favourite memory from childhood. What about that moment are you grateful for?
  12. Describe an item you own that brings you comfort or joy.
  13. Think about a time when you felt truly happy. What contributed to that feeling?
  14. What are three things you love about your home?
  15. Reflect on a piece of advice that has benefited you. Who gave it to you, and why are you thankful for it?
  16. Write about a time when you experienced kindness from a stranger.
  17. What are some ways you show gratitude to others?
  18. Think of a skill or talent you have. Why are you grateful for this ability?
  19. Describe a tradition that you cherish.
  20. Reflect on a journey or trip you took. What are some moments you are grateful for from that experience?
  21. What is a lesson you learned from a mistake, and why are you thankful for that lesson?
  22. Who is someone you haven’t seen in a while but are grateful for having in your life?
  23. Describe a moment when you felt loved or appreciated.
  24. What are three things you appreciate about your current job or school?
  25. Reflect on a day when everything seemed to go right. What made it special?
  26. Think about a time when you laughed uncontrollably. What was the situation, and why are you grateful for it?
  27. Write about a meal you enjoy. What makes it special, and who do you normally share it with?
  28. Describe a hobby or activity that brings you joy and why you are grateful for it.
  29. Reflect on a personal trait you are thankful for. How does it help you in life?
  30. What technological advancement are you grateful for and how has it improved your life?
  31. End the month by writing a letter of gratitude to someone who has made a difference in your life.
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